DBA is Database administrator to manage and maintain the database management system. Remote DBA is provided by the third party vendor to eliminate the complexity of maintaining and monitoring database and to maximize the performance and functionality of the database.

Remote DBA provides the three types of database administration. They are

  • System DBAs
  • Application DBAs
  • Development DBAs

Function Of System Dbas

System DBAs is to solve the technical issues. They focus on system administration. They tune the system parameters. They install third party DBMS tools.

Function Of Application Dbas

Application DBAs is to design and administrate database. They focus on cloning the database and on a specific subset of DBMS. They do not focus on overall implementation.

Function Of Development Dbas

Development DBAs mainly focuses on the development and testing database. They indulge in SQL tuning and writing.


  • It is cost saving.
  • High performance
  • Overall database management
  • Improve uptime
  • System availability

Cost Saving

Remote DBA have experienced workers for each category which is very economic than giving salary for each employee in database administration.

High Performance

Remote DBA maintains the data and records with high perfection by using latest techniques and software. They also suggest ideas to improve your company status.

Overall Database Management

Remote DBA manage, maintain and monitor your company database with high security and privacy policy. They are well trained to maintain the database.

Improve Uptime

It is difficult to support your database all time. But the remote DBA gives 24×7 supports for your esteemed company.

What Is Remote DBA

System Availability

They always check the database whether it has any problem. They easily identify the problem and immediately take action to rectify that

Duties Of Remote DBA:

  • Maintain documentation
  • Database installation
  • Tuning database
  • Database security
  • Database recovery
  • Installing database server
  • Upgrading application tools

Maintain Documentation

It is very difficult to maintain all the records of the company by themselves . Remote DBA offers excellent maintenance to your database with supremacy.

Database Installation

It is most important to install the database software . Remote DBA takes the responsibility of installing the database software.

Tuning Database

Remote DBA tune the database to run the database application software faster. They also have the additional server and hard disks to rectify some performance issues.

Database Security

Remote DBA provides high data security and privacy to the users. They use many cryptography techniques to maintain the records with high security.

Database Recovery

Remote DBA provides backup of database for recovery. They provide all types backup such as complete backup, cumulative backup and incremental backup.

Installing Database Server

Remote DBA installs the database server in the effective relational database management system to manage your records.

Upgrading Application Tools

Application tools should be upgraded periodically. Remote DBA upgrade all the application tools for maintaining the records.

Steps To Remember While Choosing Remote DBA

  • Price and service is not only the important things to choose remote DBA.
  • Check their security policies
  • Analyze the financial status of the service provider
  • Check their past performance.