When it comes to choosing the hosting platform that is right for you there are some issues to worry about. The first and most pressing is half rack or full rack hosting. There are different things to consider when you think about full and half rack hosting and keeping these issues in mind when beginning your site or business is the best way to get your business up off the ground.
What Is Half Rack Hosting-
The first thing to consider is of course what half rack hosting is. In web hosting, racks are used to house and run your hosting capabilities. Half rack hosting is a partial rack that is used to host the storage and web hosting capabilities of the business or site. The difference between a half rack and a full rack is of course the amount of space that the site is able to use and the overall price of the hosting each month. For those companies that pay for this hosting space, having a half rack can mean the difference between a few hundred dollars each month and the added space and bandwidth that is allotted to the renter.
What is Full Rack Hosting-
Full rack hosting is just what it sounds like, it is a full rack that is allotted to the renter. This means that the renter has more space to work, more power, added extras for their site and more. This also means however, that they will have a higher hosting bill each month. That being said however, it may be beneficial to opt for full rack hosting to get the added benefits and space. Full rack offers tons of great benefits and tons of added extras that may or may not be accessible for those that are using half rack hosting.
Which Is Best?
There is no way to say definitively if one or the other is better for any one business. That being said, there are a couple of things that you can consider when choosing. The first and most obvious is of course the needs of your business. If you are just starting out and your business is not internet or website heavy yet, it may not be necessary to have a full rack. It may be best to start with half rack and grow slowly as you have more money and more ideas at your disposal. For those businesses that are website heavy or website dependent, it may be best to go for the full rack just to be sure you have the processing capacity that you require to keep your business up and running.
It is always best to talk to a professional about what you may need for your individual business. Though getting ideas on the internet is a great way to start, it may be necessary to talk to a professional when thinking about what you want to order or start using. Taking the time to consider what processing capacity you need and want is the best way to start and really get a feel for what you and your business need to keep functioning properly.
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+Katrina Matthews is a product specialist and tech expert for RackSolutions, manufacturer of custom racking products for the IT industry! She gives helpful tech advice here on our company blog.