
7 Easy Steps to Find Keywords For A Website

Keywords and phrases used in the web content make it easy for people to find you via various search engines. It’s the most crucial part of your SEO strategy, as it will give direction to your content and make it searchable on Google.

How to Find the Best Keywords:

This article will guide you on how you can find the best keywords from your research and use them on your websites. Here are seven steps you should follow:

Step1:  Know Your Niche:

The first step in finding the right keywords is to know your niche. Know your competitors; this will help you have a realistic list of keywords and create an SEO strategy. Here’s how you can find keywords of your niche:

Go to Google and start exploring the search terms as per your category. Go through all websites that come in the top 10 search results. Note things like:

  1. How often they post their content and update their website
  2. Which type of content they are posting, like videos, text, etc.
  3. How their website looks aesthetically like things on their homepage, search menu, and more.
  4. See how active your competitors are on social media, how many followers they have, and what type of things they are posting
  5. Use paid tools to find domain authority

Talk to your clients and find out what terms they use when finding any brand or company.

You can also get involved in online communities like forums and other social media networks.

Once this is done, start filling those keywords in the topics. Choose topics that relate to the keywords and match with industry or products. Think of how your searchers would type when looking for products. Let’s say your niche is fashion; your topics might include

Fashion and lifestyle



Lastly, Look for seed keywords. Now that you have a list of all keywords, it’s time to categorize all of them, find the best one, and convert them into the seed keywords. These keywords have to match your niche and your targeted audience. Also, seed keywords are the foundation of your keyword research, as they will define your niche and help you identify your competitors.

Step2: Identify Your Business Goals:

Start from introspecting your business and ask yourself:

Once you have answers to these questions, it will be easy for you to have an SEO strategy. The keyword searches you will do should have to align your goals and business plans.

Step 3: Find Keywords With The Help Of Tools:

Search tools always help in identifying the brand and business in a more particular manner. Also, it helps you get a wider perspective of your SEO strategy. You can use Google Keyword Planner or a Keyword Tool to narrow down your research.

Moreover, it will give you additional detail on keywords and their search volume. You just need to type a topic into a search bar, and the tool will find all the alternative keywords, search volume, and other details. 

Step 4: Search Intent: How It Affects The Keywords:

User Intent or Search intent is one of the most important factors to make your keywords rank on the SERPs. In simpler terms, search intent is the type of information that searchers are looking for and the keywords they are searching with.

While the search intent is common for many keywords, others need to dig more to find what they are looking for. For instance, if someone is searching for a black dress, his or her intent is straightforward. However, if someone is looking for a dress, the intent is unknown.

Therefore, the best way to examine search intent is to type keywords in Google and only examine the first page results.

Step 5: Look For Long-Tail Keywords:

As you work on looking for keywords for your brand, you will come to know that most of them are very competitive and tough to rank. This also means hundreds of websites using the same keywords you are using as your seed KW. While this will not be an issue for any established brand or business, it could be difficult for you if you have just started your business.

Solution? Alter your keyword strategy and look for those that are less competitive, which means long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are the new favorite for marketers. They make around 70% of overall searches and can make your website rank high on Google. They act as low hanging fruit that can bring traffic to your website despite having low search volume.

Step 6: Find Keywords That Your Competitors Are Using:

If something is working for your competitors doesn’t mean it will work for you as well. However, understanding the competitive ratio of keywords will help you understand search terms that are difficult to rank. Let’s say your competitors are ranking keywords in your list, then it will be important and cannot be ignored.

Step7: Keep On Checking The Trends:

Finding keywords is not a one time task; you need to keep an eye on google trends and new keywords. Most of the search queries that enter Google are new and have never been used before. And, there might be chances that your competitors are not aware of them. So, give them a chance and keep an eye on it.


Whether you have a small business or running an informational blog, having the right keywords will boost your marketing activities. Besides, it will boost traffic on your website and give your business shine on the web. Of course, some find keyword research the most tedious task, but it definitely pays off in the long run if done properly.

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