Testosterone is the most widespread steroid and is the synthetic alternative of the naturally present hormone of similar name present in the body. It is a sex hormone that has been used medically for the treatment of some diseases. Doctors often prescribe this drug to people in the pubescent or adolescent period that have a deficiency in this hormone. Testosterone hormone has a widespread role in the reproductive tissue development during foetal growth and puberty in males. The testosterone hormone is synthesised in females but lesser quantities. The hormone in females aromatises to form estrogen which is an important sex hormone for them.
Testosterone Propionate
Testosterone Propionate is the older form of the natural hormone which had been introduced in the market. There are effectively two forms of the testosterone, the newer version is known as the enanthate and the cypionate form. The propionate is the first form that was created to mimic the natural hormone in mice. The presence of a larger esterified form of the hormone leads to the slow gradual release of the drug into the blood stream. Many athletes believe that the use of this drug leads to less water retention in the body. In fact, this thought is a misconception, as the drug to become active requires disassembly from the ester form. It is normally used during the cutting cycle of athletes where control on the calorie intake leads to the reduced water retention. Sudden discontinuation of the anabolic cycle side effects after you stop is not severe. Medically the use of this steroid by testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is used for people having low levels of it.
Steroid for Muscle GainsEffect of the propionate form
The propionate is the most common form, and the use of this in the off-season leads to increase in the lean muscle mass of the body. The use of this steroid needs to be coupled with an increase in the calorie intake. Though it leads to increase in body fat the introduction of the propionate leads to significant increase in the leaner mass of the body. This is due to the increase in the metabolic rate of the body due to the steroid intake. In the cutting cycle, the use of this form of steroid leads to an increase in fat burn in comparison to muscle wastage. The most beneficial use of the steroid is the increases the endurance level of the body enabling it to endure vigorous training.
Dosage and cycles
The use of Testosterone Propionate is recommended in the range of 25-50mg. This might seem to be a very low dose, but it gives the desired effect. It is normally used twice or thrice a week. People using this steroid use at a higher range of 100mg per week. Testosterone stacks well with any of the anabolic steroid. Care should be taken to control this cycle as an increase in the dosage would lead to increase in side effects. Testosterone cycle side effects after you stop are quite insignificant in comparison to its benefits. The side effects include acne or hair loss in males. It is recommended to use the steroid only for recommended period of 4 weeks to prevent side effects leading to liver toxicity.